For all people to know Jesus, and
grow with Him.
What if church wasn’t an event you went to, but a family you belonged to? What if you were surrounded by a group of people who had your back and challenged you to grow in your faith?
We believe that God and His church aren’t just for Sunday, but for every day of your week, and every part of your life. That’s what we are on a mission to create, and we’d love for you to be part of it with us.
Recent Podcast Episodes
Is the Bible relevant anymore? Join Pastor Joshua Sorrows and his team as they delve into important topics in culture, politics, and theology. If you want to know how to understand all of the challenges of today, subscribe and don’t miss an episode!
Why does everyone seem so joyful at Christmas! Take a look at this post to figure out why people play joyful Christmas music in October!
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